You can keep the following points in mind while shopping in order to be smart and frugal shopper:
- Talk to your family about holiday gift and over spending.
- Take advice and help from your friends and family members.
- Make proper list and plan out the entire the entire shopping previously.
- Determine the total amount you want to spend.
- Accordingly then you can decide how much you can spend on each item.
- You should have prior knowledge of the price of the good and comparison sense.
- You can check prices on internet prior to your shopping.
- Always look for coupon.
- Use newspaper and store coupon for sales and deals.
- Always stick to your list.Plan Your
- If you are going for online shopping make sure you know the entire deal.
- If you want to protect yourself from debt, then avoid credit card
- If you are using credit card, then don’t purchase beyond your immediate ability to pay off.
- Also opt for Gift cards.
- Gift cards are the best way to stay within your budget because they avoid temptation of buying expensive gift.
This is what I feel that everyone should follow, so that one should not cross his or her budget. If you really want to be happy and don’t want to still paying off your year’s gift purchase for the next year.
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