Laundry is one of the most important household tasks that have to carry on regular basis. But this task at times cost a lot to us and we feel financially stressed. Cleaning our clothes is necessary in order to lead a healthy and uncontaminated lifestyle. It is the task which we cannot neglect, so here are some tips which one can consider is his daily lifestyle in order to carry out this task economically.
Segregate your clothes
Our primary step is to sort the clothes according to their color and dirt. It may happen that very dirty clothes may end up damaging the good ones. Thus it is economical to wash less dirty clothes separately. This will not force you to buy new clothes very often.
Minimum detergent usage
Using right amount of detergent is beneficial both for you and clothes. Generally on box the usage amount is mentioned by the manufacturers. But since the manufacturers wants to increase their sales, so they mention larger amount than from the normal. So it is advisable to use less detergent than from the recommended one.
Water usage
It is advisable to use cold water in order to carry your washing economically. You can use lukewarm water for towels, beddings and for heavy dirty clothes.
Electricity consumption
You should opt for shorter washing cycles because it will reduce your electricity consumption. One can use longer washing cycle for very dirty clothes. Thus it will economize your washing.

Cleaning of laundry equipment
In order to have economical performance it is necessary to keep the laundry apparatus dirt free. It is necessary to clean the cloth dyer’s lint sieve after every load. You should also follow the company’s instruction to clean up your washing machine in order to eliminate calcium and detergent deposit.
Use natural air drying
It you find weather to be sunny, then it is economical not to use the machine’s cloth dryer because it will reduce the use of electricity.
Try to use clothes more than once
At least if you are using your same trouser twice without laundering them, will save your 50% of your expense on laundry. It is best recommendation to do laundry once a week.
Buy new energy efficient machine
If you are thinking to buy a new washing machine then research on internet and try to find out the energy efficient washing machine. Such washing machine will consume low level of electricity and water. This will help you to land up in most economical way of washing your clothes.
If you can take sometime from your busy schedule and think on above points, it will definitely land up to you to most efficient and economical ways of washing your clothes.