It means insurance policy is done for the property. Title means a personal right on a certain property. Any problem in the title can lead to a fail transaction. This part actually comes into the picture after the approval of the mortgage loan. Because a borrower needs to keep his property documents at the lenders place till the time the borrower pay off the full loan amount. So the borrower wants to be made an insurance against the property and he is the responsible to pay the insurance amount. Even the lender wants to be in the safer side. It is important to have insurance policy to the property so that the owner can remain safe from any kind of property related issues.
There are so many title insurance companies are there in the United States of America. They actually examine the property and then allow the borrower and some times a lender can also pay the insurance policy amount. Title insurance is important for every lending institution. So it is good for the buyers to have insurance policy against the property. It looks like additional expenses at certain point of time but insurance against the property can avoid any type of problems.
This document prepares after the mortgage or deed of trust. This document contains all the policy related information including the effective date which is called the policy date and policy amount. Some times a borrower may not do policy for complete property. He may insure half of the property as he wishes
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