Far the last 12 months or so, the economical conditions of the whole world has drastically been effected. Every investor has started to thinking about the future prospects out of the incoming sources available in the market. Now everyone has scared to invest in any of the investments such as Mutual funds, stock market trading, Unit link policies, Systematic Investment Plans etc. All the sectors in the stock exchange are proved maximum lose, because who ever invested in any of the sectors have reached to bottom. But if we study the market carefully there is only one investment which has been given good results in terms of consumption and growth.
Whoever invested their money in gold and other precious metals are under profit side. Doesn’t matter from any part of the world, investment in gold has proved been the best investment under current conditions. Even today the market price of the gold is increasing whereas the other stocks and trading is running in the loser side. Gold has got its maximum usage in other fields but its impact in the market as the number one investment source is also appreciable. This is because people find no investment future in any portfolio and every investment source has been failed and it may continue to be the same till the end of the 3rd quarter of 2009 as per the market analyst’s views. So this is the one of the strongly supported reasons why the price of gold is breaking all the records and reaching sky high.
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