If you want to learn how to save money, start spending more time with your frugal friends! You might just be surprised how much you can learn!

20 Frugal Living Habits to adopt NOW!
1. Never pay full price!
2. Avoid brand loyalty. You’ll cut your grocery bill by about 25% just by switching to store brands!
3. Stop wasting food and learn to love leftovers.
4. Make a written household budget and stick to it!
5. Eat out for special occasions only. It’s time to break the dinner at the drive-thru habit.
6. Find your inner coupon queen – those 50¢ coupons really will add up to hundreds of dollars in savings each month.
7. Grow your own fruits and veggies – they’ll even taste better!
8. Don’t keep up with the Joneses, keep up with your frugal friends!
9. Learn to love shopping at Goodwill, Thrift Stores, Garage Sales and Consignment Shops.
10. Do It Yourself – thanks to You Tube, there’s a video to teach you how to do just about anything! Give it a try before you call the repair guy!
11. STOP making impulse purchases – make yourself wait at least 1 day before you make a purchase and really think about it.
12. Ask yourself if it’s a need or a want. You can quickly trim your budget by eliminating the “wants.”
13. Walk or ride your bike whenever possible – gas isn’t cheap!
14. Once a year, call your cable company, electric company, phone company and cell phone company to make sure you are getting the best possible rate, and that you are not paying for services that you don’t need.
15. Don’t give your teens $20 every time they go out with their friends. Give them an allowance and teach them how to budget.
16. Pack a brown bag lunch everyday!
17. Drive 55 m.p.h. instead of 65 m.p.h. and you’ll save nearly 40¢ a gallon!
18. Make your own coffee, you can even splurge and buy Starbucks coffee beans!
19. Make money with your unwanted items – have a garage sale, use e-bay, etc.
20. Don’t waste anything! Re-use, re-purpose or re-do!
Kristl is the CEO of her family and also the maid, the cook, the coupon queen and yes, the bargain shopper. She’s not a financial planner or an accountant, just a mom that knows how to live life on a budget! Visit TheBudgetDiet.com for more money saving tips.
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