Federal student loans are convenient and inexpensive means to provide for your education. This loan is advantageous in terms of its payment. The payment of the loan is not burdensome. Rather, it is flexible. A borrower of federal student loan can pay interest during the period when he is student and the principal after completion of the study. A hang of the payment options and deferments is vital for the borrowers of federal student loans to keep their credit safe and repay the loan as soon as possible.
Federal and private are two elemental student loan types. Federal student loans are of two categories – subsidized and unsubsidized. If you borrow a federal student loan in the former category, the government will pay the interest on your behalf during the phase of your graduation and the period of six months after the graduation. Interest on unsubsidized loans gets accumulated, even during your school or college terms. Therefore, it is better to pay the interest during the phase of graduation.
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