Put Proper Text Navigation:
In order to make your contents readable to search engine it is necessary to do your java script and flash navigation properly. At times it is found that most people try to put the text version at the bottom of the page. Adding proper text version of your navigation wil definitely helps search engine spiders to crawl your site effectively.
Add Sitemap to your Blog:
Sitemap is very essential in every site. Sitemap should be there mainly for two reasons. Firstly it help the search engine spider to allocate all the page of your site. Sitemap helps spider to index all the pages of your sites easily. Secondly it also help the visitors to navigate your and can easily search the information that they were looking for.
Optimize Your Page Title:
Title of your page plays very important part in optimizing your site. Try to give single unique page title because in search engine the visitors search with the page title and not with the URL of the page.
Customize Your Permalink Format:
At the end of the URL we find certain numbers, which the spider difficult in making senses. So try to use tags and categories from your permalinks and archives.
Thus I you can follow the above suggestions while maintaining your blog. I can guarantee you that you can definitely make money from your blog and could make it search engine friendly.
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