A lien will not be erased till the time you pay off complete money to the lien holder. A lien is a legal claim against a property and a lien holder is a mortgagee or a lender. In this case, a lender has full right against the property till the time the borrower pay off all the dues to the lender.
You want to sale a house property but you are still to pay some dues to the person say, carpenter who has made some furniture in the house. In this case you as a house owner can not sale that house property till you clear the dues that has to pay to the carpenter. Meaning the carpenter has some lien or right on that property. He can suit a case against that house property if you don’t pay the unpaid balance. Once he suits a case against that house property, you can not sale that property as per the federal court rules.
So you have to pay all the house related dues before you own that property. Until and unless you clear all the dues you can not even sale that property. Same case even in the mortgage loan. Till the time a borrower pays full installments to the lender, he can not say that the house belongs to him. In fact, the house belongs to the lender or the financer who financed for you for the purchase of that house property. Once you clear with all the debts then you can say that house property belongs to you.
You want to sale a house property but you are still to pay some dues to the person say, carpenter who has made some furniture in the house. In this case you as a house owner can not sale that house property till you clear the dues that has to pay to the carpenter. Meaning the carpenter has some lien or right on that property. He can suit a case against that house property if you don’t pay the unpaid balance. Once he suits a case against that house property, you can not sale that property as per the federal court rules.
So you have to pay all the house related dues before you own that property. Until and unless you clear all the dues you can not even sale that property. Same case even in the mortgage loan. Till the time a borrower pays full installments to the lender, he can not say that the house belongs to him. In fact, the house belongs to the lender or the financer who financed for you for the purchase of that house property. Once you clear with all the debts then you can say that house property belongs to you.
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