The safest mutual funds have a great record of safety, and they pay much of the interest in the form of dividends. Lot of people have invested in the money market funds over the period of years.
Most recently, in the year 2008-2009 millions of investors have experienced some great loss in mutual funds, and many of them have found and made a wrong statement on the money market that these market and mutual funds are the false and very risky investments in human life.
As a matter of fact, this is not the case in long period of time. Stock funds and mutual funds involve considerable risk, not so risk of 100%. Because there is a fund manage for every fund and he manages it very effectively. He distributes the whole fund and invests in different funds which are having a great growth as per the current statistics. Mutual funds are safe in comparison with shares.
The important thing in this investment market is when to exit from the market. This part plays an important role as far as profit/loss is concern. Your investment has got a good raise and if you don’t come out of the market at that time, it may go down depending upon the market price of that particular stock and product. So people who come out of the market at right time can earn more profit and who stayed for more time and expecting more profit may not get desired money.
Try to invest more in the government bonds or high quality short-term bonds which involve less risk and money market funds are not the safest funds in the market. If you see safety, you should go for minimum expectation and if you want more profit, go for high risk, is the only principal of the market.